Network bio

Suchandra Ghatak

  • Suchandra Ghatak

    I am a journalist based in Kolkata. I write on culture, socio-political changes, literature and lifestyle. I am a visiting faculty member in a Liberal Arts Department. I hold a PhD in Humanities.

    My area of research in refugee theatre. Politics behind the representation of human beings in the society, culture and literature interests me the most. I love talking to people on political impact on cultural changes. I have a knack for travelling and meeting new people all over the world. The links in popular practices in otherwise unrelated cultural spaces fascinates me.

    Another area of my interest is representation on the basis of sexual identity. I am working on my first autobiographical fiction, and expect it to be published by next year.


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Pop Culture meets Social Change Retreat 2021

field note

5 March 2021

Welcome to our first online ‘Pop Culture meets Social Change Retreat’.