ArticleGaming & Media

Representation in Video Games

As part of the Now Play This festival 2024 at Somerset House, Counterpoints ran a panel about video games and representation of refugees, migrants and People of Colour.

Earlier this year as part of the Now Play This festival 2024 at Somerset House, Counterpoints ran a panel about video games and representation of refugees, migrants and People of Colour.

In the rapidly changing world of entertainment, video games stand out for their influence and potential, yet they often reflect the same outdated representations of people of colour as seen in films, TV, and other media.

The talk aimed to dissect the layers of representation in video games, identify the issues with such portrayals, and explore pathways towards a more inclusive and truthful gaming ecosystem. Speakers were Hossam Fazulla and Laith Elzubaidi from Counterpoints, with actor Tommy Sim’aan and content creator Maryam Habib.

This was the tenth anniversary of Now Play This ,  a celebration of experimental game design at Somerset House in London. This year’s theme, “Liminality,” included engaging play, workshops, and events.

Counterpoints’ work on Video Games is part of our PopChange programme, a pioneering initiative exploring how the power of pop culture can be harnessed for social change in order to shift the way we talk, think and feel about migration and displacement.



