Salon / NetworkTV/Film

Netflix Salon

A room full of people, sat with their backs to the camera, looking ahead at 4 people on a panel at the front of the room with Netflix logo behind them.



Monday, 20 November 2023



Hosted by

Hosted by PopChange Producer Laith Elzubaidi.


Salon / NetworkTV/Film

Netflix Salon

A room full of people, sat with their backs to the camera, looking ahead at 4 people on a panel at the front of the room with Netflix logo behind them.

We will be bringing together a panel of people working in the commissioning teams at Netflix (Scripted Film, Scripted Series, Documentary Series and Documentary Film) to ask them about what we should and shouldn’t be pitching them, as well as a general discussion about the state of pitching in the industry at the moment. This will be followed by a Q&A with questions from the audience. As well as a networking mixer in the space afterwards.